The following students received awards on March 14th for their stellar performances in February:
Our two very special Character Counts awards went to Aaron and Kelsey:
![]() Aaron fully embodies what it means to have good character. He is incredibly kind, to a fault at times, always looking for ways to make his friends and teachers smile. He is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need, whether that be by lending a literal hand to a friend on the stairs, to lending someone a crayon, or to helping his teachers clean up a mess, Aaron is always there with a smile on his face and saying "I can help you!" He comes in each and every day ready to learn and try his best. Even when his peers win his attention over with their distractions, he is quick to redirect his focus to the task at hand and participates with enthusiasm. He takes initiative in his learning, always asking how to spell things or how to do addition problems, and his academic growth reflects that drive. Aaron is loved by all of his friends and teachers, I think that says more about who he is as a person than anything I could write. | ![]() | ![]() Kelsey is receiving the Character Counts Award because she shows the pillar of responsibility each day at school. She follows directions in the classroom and she asks for help when needed for assignments. Kesley also shows character by being kind to her classmates on a daily basis. Overall she wants to excel in her learning and is respectful to others. Way to go Kelsey!! Keep up the amazing work! |