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Welcome Back!


Dear McGill Mustang Families,

A Huge Welcome Back to all of YOU!

I hope you enjoyed a wonderful and restful summer. I also hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. We are so delighted that you are part of our amazing learning community. I welcome and value your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education, and I look forward to working with you and your children.

All signs point to another incredible and productive school year. Our skilled and devoted staff is already planning and preparing for your child(ren). Our enthusiastic office team is registering new families, ordering needed materials, and updating student files. Our hard working and conscientious custodians have spent the entire summer thoroughly cleaning and painting some of the school area. We indeed are a joyous and caring community with the common goals of nurturing responsible, caring students and promoting high-level learning.

New Staff

Please help me also welcome our new Kinder Teacher Assistant, Frida Olea. We will also be introducing a new Special Education Teacher/Case Manager as time nears.

Facilities Update

We have new Stage Curtains! We also have new PE/Sunrise To Sunset green turf where our children can feel safer participating in different outdoor activities. I encourage you to come and see it. We also purchased new desks for our special education department and other educational equipment for our Sunrise to Sunset program.

There weren’t many facility changes, but we do have several staff in different areas. Ms. Delia Ramires, Secretary and Michelle Blevins, Admin Assistant will be sharing an office in Room 26. Ms. Jennifer, our Math Coach, will be in Room 21.

Finally, we also gave a fresh coat of paint to some of the classrooms and deep cleaned each and every classroom. They look Amazing!!! Please help us keep our campus looking fabulous all year long.

School Hours

If you are enrolled in the 6 to 6 or newly known as our Sunrise to Sunset before and after school program, you are welcome to bring your child to school at 6:15am through the front door of the school building. Please make sure that you sign them in.

Normal School Hours for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:

7:45am to 2:45pm. TK-Kindergarten and 7:45 to 3:00 for 1st through 5th Grades.

Minimum Day: Wednesday is

7:45 to 12:45 TK- Kindergarten or 7:45am to 1:00pm for 1st through 5th Grades.

The side gate on 30th street will be open at 7:45am. Your child(ren) will have the opportunity to eat breakfast, participate in the walkabout, line up for the morning launch, and then on to their appropriate classrooms.

Covid Safety

Please see our health tech in the front office if you have any questions regarding this topic. Safety for everyone here at McGill and beyond is critically important to us.

Parent/Student Handbook - Please review it with your child. There are many answers to questions that you may have about our school, policies and procedures. You can click this link to read it on our website. Parent Handbook 2023-24.pdf

Thank you to all who are helping prepare for the new school year. Your commitment to ensuring that MGill School of Success remains a celebrated and successful school is awe-inspiring. I eagerly look forward to greeting students and families once again. It remains an honor and privilege to serve as your principal. Please stop by and say hello. Together, I know we will make this school year one of growth and achievement for all children. See you all back on Tuesday, August 29th.

Warmest Regards,

Joseph Mendoza - CEO-Principal

McGill School of Success


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